As the leading transatlantic business organisation dedicated to helping its member companies connect and build their international business, BritishAmerican Business is here to help you
• Established in 2000, when we merged the American Chamber of Commerce in the UK and the British-American Chamber of Commerce in the USA to create a business organisation that is uniquely positioned to serve its member companies on both sides of the Atlantic
• Based in the two major western business/financial centres of London and New York, with networks extending to more than 60 other major US and European business centres
The world’s leading multinationals and middle-market companies, including major US and European players in:
• Accountancy
• Aerospace/defence
• Airlines
• Banking
• Energy
• Insurance
• Law
• Logistics
• Management/business consultancies
• Media
• Pharmaceuticals
• Real estate
• Telecoms
Targeted, high-calibre networking and marketing platforms as well as top-quality business intelligence and regulatory advice and influence, including:
• More than 100 high-quality events each year ranging from exclusive, C-Suite meetings with top corporate/government leaders to business briefings, professional and sectoral forums, and social/client entertainment occasions
• High-quality marketing and brand-building platforms reaching a senior level audience of companies/executives involved in global or transatlantic business
• High-level representation to government on policy issues of concern to our membership
• A portfolio of targeted business services: ranging from business introductions and referrals to visa, business intelligence and event management services
For those within transatlantic business, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP as it has become known, is potentially the biggest game-changer since the creation of the EU single market.
TTIP is currently being negotiated by the US and the EU (with Britain in a leading role) and a successful deal would, amongst other things, cut tariffs and reduce regulatory barriers between the two continents. BAB has been playing – and will continue to play – a leadership role with government and the business community in promoting TTIP through five key platforms.
1) National Roadshow Programme
In order to reach out beyond the traditional policy community in London, we have launched a nationwide series of roadshows with events in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our aim is to highlight to companies, in particular to SMEs, just how they can benefit from a successful trade deal agreement between the US and EU which, at the macro level, is expected to lead to substantial economic growth for all our economies. Since 2013, BAB has organised 14 successful roadshows that have attracted more than 600 attendees from more than 230 companies
2) All Party Parliamentary Group on EU-US Trade & Investment
BAB is acting as the Secretariat for this APPG, chaired by John Healey MP, which aims to provide a focus for cross-party support for the negotiations, to contribute to greater public debate and understanding of the potential benefits at stake for British consumers, workers and business, and also to strengthen Parliamentary & public scrutiny of the UK Government’s actions to help secure the agreement
3) EU-US Trade & Investment Forum
BAB’s EU-US Trade & Investment Forum brings together London-based members and partners of BAB who have an interest in supporting the TTIP discussions. The forum focusses on supporting BAB’s efforts in building a business coalition in support of TTIP, through both events and policy work on substantiating and detailing BAB’s members’ own priorities
4) High-Level Roundtables
BAB has also launched a series of high level policymaker roundtables on the subject of TTIP. So far, the dinners have brought together leaders from business and Government to discuss issues such as: “What happens to US FDI if Great Britain leaves Europe?”; “Crunch time for the EU/US trade deal – What does transatlantic business want?”, “TTIP and the Implication for Financial Services” and “From the outside looking in? Sustaining the UK’s attractiveness”
5) Communications Platform
For more information please visit
Join in the conversation through our LinkedIn group on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and on Twitter @BABLondon #BABTTIP
Further Information
London Office
12 Phillimore Walk
London, W8 7RX
Tel: +44 (0)20 7290 9888
Twitter: @BABLondon
New York Office
52 Vanderblit Avenue
20th Floor
New York NY 10017
Tel: +1 212-661-4060
Twitter: @BABNewYork